TC Nepal
(Phendeling Relief Commitee)


Nyt fra Nepal - TC Nepal nødhjælp indtil nu

Hermed nyt fra Jampa Thupten om hvad Phendeling Welfare Committee, Tibet Charity Nepal, nu har formidlet:

Dear Lakha Rinpoche la,
Here I have sent a brief report earthquake relief and donations by Tibet Charity Nepal. I will make a clear report once everything calms down bit. Right now we don’t have a stable internet connection and also busy on distributing the reliefs.

Phendeling Welfare Committee Nepal (Tibet Charity Nepal) earth relief distribution.
1. More than 800kgs of food items to the Langtang people who had to move to Kathmandu as their whole village was washed away by Earthquake/avalanche. 
2. Medical donation to a new born baby from Langtang. 
3. 215000.00rs donation to Kantipure National crisis Assistance Fund.
4. 50000.00rs Tibetan earthquake relief community.
5. 5500.00rs Tibetan community Puja for Earthquake victims.
6. 3500kgs of Rice, 1750kgs of flour and 350lit of cooking Oil to the Tibet Charity sponsor cases. Each sponsor case received 10kgs Rice, 5kgs flour and 1 lit cooking oil. Plus 1Q of 2015 sponsor money.
7. 100 pcs of good quality tarpaulin will be distributed in one of the remote area tomorrow. 
8. 1000kgs of rice, 225kgs of flour and 100 lit of cooking Oil will be distribute another remote area(Sidupachok ).

We are planning to distribute earthquake relief to more villages in remote area where have not received an earthquake relief.

Sincerely Jampa Thupten

TC Nepal earthquake

Publiceret her 20. maj 2015



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