TC Indien


ABC and A-R Camp at Paonta Sahib

The Animal Care Section of Tibet Charity organized the Second 13-day Animal Birth Control (ABC) and Anti-Rabies (A-R) camp for the street dogs at Paonta Sahib, a small town in the North Indian state of Himachal Pradesh, from 10th to 23rd of April, 2017. It was initiated with a simple opening ceremony on 10th April, 2017 which was attended by various dignitaries from around the town.

After the grand success of the previous year’s ABC and A-R Camp, the prime objective of this camp was to ensure that regular checks are maintained on the health of the stray dogs and that they were being regularly vaccinated. The team stayed at Paonta Sahib for two weeks during which time they helped sterilize up to 150 stray dogs and vaccinate even more.

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Tibet Charity India forår 2017



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