TC India


Takke hilsener fra de Single Parents vi har støttet

Dear Gunver la,

Hope you are doing well.
Since the holiday season is coming, the children of Single Parents have sent their Christmas greetings in their letters along with their photos as a token of gratitude and appreciation. The Single parents have also expressed their heartfelt gratitude for supporting them during Covid lockdown.

Please find below table with details of the Single parents along with their Children's Name for your reference.

We wish you and family a Merry Christmas and a very prosperous New Year.
Tenzin Yangdon, Secretary
Tibet Charity, Dharamsala, India

Name of Single Parent :
Names of the children

Tenzin Dolma (F), 16 yrs old


Tsewang Lhamo
Tenzin Rigtu (M), 12 yrs old


Tsewang Dolma
Ngawang Tenzin (M), 18 yrs old


Tenzin Tharlam (M), 7yrs old


Tashi Dolma
Tenzin Tsering (F), 12yrs old & Tenzin Pelha (M) 7yrs old



Tenzin Ramja (M), 16 yrs old & Tenzin Zompa (F) 13yrs old


Tenzin Choeney


November 2021



C/O Gunver Juul
Hvedevænget 1
3230 Græsted


Onsdage kl. 10-12 på tlf. 23 42 85 05
(især vedr. sponsorater, uddannelsesprojekter og økonomi)


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